Get Involved
Photo by Kaitlyn Hackathorn
South Carolina's coastal birds need your help! Shorebirds and seabirds are declining worldwide. You can contribute to their protection in South Carolina by getting involved with the various partners of the South Carolina Shorebird Project working on making the Palmetto state a safe place for these declining species.
Shorebird Steward volunteers are the boots on the ground that educate beachgoers about the importance of sharing the shore with our vulnerable coastal birds. They are trained and deployed at several sites along the South Carolina coast through a program with Audubon South Carolina. Find out how to get involved in stewarding!

Photo by Peggy Lucas
Important bird habitat sections are posted with temporary signage and symbolic fences at various places along the South Carolina coast. Posted areas allow birds to rest and nest with minimal disturbance. Efforts to coordinate posting is done through the SCDNR Coastal Bird Program. Apply to become a posting volunteer!

Photo by Kaitlyn Hackathorn
Counts of shorebirds present at a given location is conducted through the International Shorebird Survey (ISS) organized by Manomet. Surveys are done in the Spring and Fall migration to get a better understanding of population trends and movements. Learn more about how to conduct International Shorebird Surveys!
Photo by Michael Georgopoulos
During the breeding season, Least terns can establish a colony on flat pebble-covered rooftops and surfaces. These areas can present a danger to both adults and chicks. Volunteers are needed to periodically monitor rooftops for activity and fallen chicks. Active rooftops vary each year but most are found in Charleston, Berkeley, Georgetown, and Horry Counties. Inquire about rooftop watch here!

Photo by Mary Catherine Martin

Share your photos with us!
Featuring the beauty of shorebirds and seabirds and telling their stories contributes to their protection. We would love to feature your favorite captures of shorebirds and seabirds on our website and social media pages!
Photo by Erin Weeks