Photo by Kim McManus
The South Carolina Shorebird Project was established in 2007 as a response to the growing threats and vulnerabilities facing coastal birds in our state. It consists of a group of county, state, federal, and NGO partners working together to achieve shorebird conservation in South Carolina through surveys, outreach, and education.
Over the years, the South Carolina Shorebird Project has continued to involve people and organizations throughout the South Carolina coast promoting protection and increasing public knowledge of both shorebirds and seabirds.
In recent years, the partnership has increased its online presence and unites resources and opportunities for all interested in wanting to make a difference for coastal birds in South Carolina.
The South Carolina Shorebird Project aims to protect the shorebirds and seabirds of South Carolina in a partnership between entities and people contributing to the conservation and education of these vulnerable bird species in the Palmetto state.
Photo by Kaitlyn Hackathorn
Photo by Felicia Sanders
Photo by Erin Weeks
Photo by Felicia Sanders
Photo by Cacky Rivers
The South Carolina Shorebird Project is proud to partner with a range of organizations and individuals who share our commitment to bird conservation. Our partners include local and state agencies, research institutions, non-profit organizations, and community groups. Together, we work towards a common goal of protecting and preserving the natural beauty of our coastline and the birds that call it home.
If you would like your logo or organization added to the list of SCSP partners, please reach out to us by using the contact form below. We welcome and encourage all interested parties to get involved in the South Carolina Shorebird Project!